Tuesday, December 7, 2010

DE Completes Leading-Edge eLearning Title


Digital Elixir Studios, Inc. has successfully completed a cutting-edge online E-Learning course which can be rebranded for various colleges and corporations - to evaluate employees and eventually provide full accreditation to students and aspiring professionals in the field.

The project marks a milestone in the exploding world of online learning courseware. This powerful learning tool also provides invaluable information to those providing the courseware. Data is collected at every step of the learning process and quizzes and creative gaming challenges are scored and averaged for Administrative evaluation. This new and exciting breakthrough has taken course content and adapted it to the online experience which includes a character-driven (hosted) narrative and conflict that serves the learning process. Through 3D character animation, voice acting as well as content driven 2D animation, Digital Elixir and its partners may very well be the first to implement interactive courseware at this level of creative and technical sophistication.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Digital Elixir is proudly working with Raleigh NC's CENTERLINE studios. Producing informational, animated videos for IBM.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Digital Elixir Lands Educational Courseware Contract:

PCC Corporate College’s Supply Chain Management Institute Lands $1.2 Million U.S. Department of Transportation Grant

07/14/2008: In recognition of its national leadership role in providing training for high paying jobs in Florida’s supply chain management and logistics industries, the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded a $1.2 million grant to Polk Community College’s Supply Chain Management Institute, one of eight institutes within PCC’s Corporate College division.

PCC was one of only five institutions of higher education in the nation to receive full funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation through its Transportation Education Development Pilot Program (TEDPP). Other fully-funded TEDPP grants were awarded to Penn State University, the University of Idaho, the University of Vermont, and California State University. Partially funded grants went to the University of Baltimore, North Dakota State University, and the University of Missouri.

“We are elated and proud to be the only community college in the nation to receive a fully-funded federal grant that will enable us to develop, refine, and expand degree and certificate programs offered by PCC’s Supply Chain Management Institute,” PCC President Dr. Eileen Holden said. “This grant not only reflects favorably on PCC, but also on our industry partners who have collaborated with us in bringing the Institute to fruition.”

According to Rob Clancey, director of the PCC Corporate College, PCC will receive $300,000 in each of the next four years and use the funds to expand and fine tune the Supply Chain Management Institute’s curriculum, establish a technically-advanced training lab featuring new computer hardware and software, and provide scholarship assistance for incumbent workers in the supply chain field who wish to pursue studies at the Institute.

“The grant will also give us much needed flexibility to add new programs to keep pace with the needs of our private sector partners and also allow us to share our expertise with other schools throughout the nation,” Clancey said, noting that the federal funding will help PCC achieve its goal of molding the Supply Chain Management Institute into a “model for the nation.”
Launched last summer, PCC Corporate College’s Supply Chain Management Institute evolved from a cooperative effort involving the Florida Banner Center, PCC, and leading firms in Polk County’s supply chain and logistics industry. Since its inception, the certificate-granting entity, under the leadership of Director Wayne Kline, has trained hundreds of people for jobs in Polk County’s supply chain industry.

At the present time, PCC is one of only two community colleges in Florida offering a training and educational program in Supply Chain Management leading to an Associate of Science (AS) or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.
“PCC is proud to be meeting the special training needs of one of the fastest growing components of Florida’s economy through its Supply Chain Management Institute,” Dr. Holden said. “The Institute offers a classic example of the great things that can be accomplished when the public and private sectors work together for the common good.”
According to the Employ Florida Banner Center, the average annual wage in Florida’s logistics and distribution sector is $48,669, as opposed to $36,804 in industry in general. Well trained workers in this sector can command up to $54 per hour, and the industry needs 11,000 men and women to meet current and future staffing needs.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Digital Elixir Studios Acquires Advanced Robotics Client:

Digital Elixir Studios Inc. has been awarded a cutting-edge, and confidential advanced humanoid robotics visualization project. We look forward to building this machine of the future virtually for informational and design purposes related to real world applications.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Digital Elixir Studios Awarded TWO Telly Statuettes for 2010!

Digital Elixir Studios has been awared TWO covetted 31st Annual Telly Award bronze statuettes for multimarket commercial spot animation/production! Digital Elixir Studios is proud to accept this remarkable achievement for 2010.

For Immediate Release
Contact: Linda Day, lindad@tellyawards.com
Phone: (212)675-3555

30th Annual Telly Awards Winners Announced
Telly again proudly honors the very best commercials, videos, films and internet work

New York City, NY -- (June 29, 2009) The Winners of the 30th Annual Telly Awards have been announced. With nearly 11,000 entries from all 50 states and around the world, this year’s 30th anniversary has been one of the most competitive and successful in the long history of the Telly Awards.

Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest film and video productions, and groundbreaking web commercials, videos and films. Winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world.

To commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Telly Awards, special Classic Telly categories were offered and open to all work produced since 1978. The Winners in the Classic Telly categories were awarded the special Gold Classic Telly Award. Less than 3% of entrants received The Gold Classic Telly Award.

This year's Winners include companies, agencies and organizations of all sizes, from large multinational media companies to small ad agencies and local production houses. A sample of Silver Telly Winners includes AEG Network LIVE, American Cancer Society, Bass Pro Shops, Booz Allen Hamilton, BrabenderCox, Colonial Williamsburg Productions, Cox Communications, DDB, Discovery Communications, Evans & Sutherland, Fox Soccer Channel, Grey NYC, GSD&M Idea City, Harpo Productions, HBO Latin America, IBM Digital Video Services, JWT BOOM, Keller Crescent Advertising, Laszlo Rain, Maguire Reeder, Ltd., Mercury Multimedia, Inc., Miami Dolphins, Microsoft, NBC Universal, New York Jets, NFL Films, Nickelodeon, Outdoor Channel, Penn College, Radio Television Hong Kong, Ruder Finn, Salon Films (HK) Ltd., Sony Pictures, Suddenlink, TBWA/Chiat/Day Los Angeles, The Inspiration Networks, TV Guide Network, Warner Bros., Young & Rubicam. To view the complete list of Silver Telly Winners and Classic Telly Winners for the 30th Annual competition, please visit www.tellyawards.com.

A prestigious judging panel of 350 accomplished industry professionals, each a past Winner of a Silver Telly and a member of the Silver Telly Council, judged the competition, upholding the historical standard of excellence that Telly represents. The Silver Council evaluated entries to recognize distinction in creative work - entries do not compete against each other - rather entries are judged against a high standard of merit. Less than 10% of entries are chosen as Winners of a Silver Telly, our highest honor. Other outstanding work is awarded a Bronze Telly. For a complete list of Silver Telly Council Members, please visit www.tellyawards.com.

To find out more about the Telly Awards, please visit our website at www.tellyawards.com.

Please contact Linda Day at the Telly Awards (lindad@tellyawards.com) for public relations inquiries: (212) 675-3555.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

On the Separation of Business and Art

By MARK DIGIACOMO, founder Digital Elixir Studios

At the dawn of the Industrial Age, the craftsmanship and artistry that defined all eras before it began to be subsumed by mass production. An artists filligree on a clock became a repeated stamp pattern. Without doubt, the practical benefits of this transformation of society and culture can not be understated. But thankfully we are entering a new era once more, and with it comes the need for a realignment in our thinking.

In these very uncertain times of change, how do people with exacting skills and creative dreams formulate a working career or business that both fulfills their yearnings while also maintaining a profit? Can this even be done effectively? Newspapers inform very well, but they're failing almost universally as a relic of a structured era who's stamp has yet to fully evolve in our consciousness. Papers attempt to entertain, but can't compete against flashy new electronic forms of communication. Must we compromise and stoop to either the lowest common denominator or turn to the field of real estate to make a buck in this new era? That last part is a joke, in case you missed it...

Films, television and video games produce profitable creative material every day. Video games are increasingly cinematic. But these fields are rather rarefied and not everyone needs to smite the surly forces of Kazzadoom to run their lives, or communicate with their customers.

We've observed over the past decade or so that from city planning to coffee selling, branding creatively and building an experience that people crave works in business. People come to rejuvenated small towns with historical sign posts and shady walks. They seek out expensive coffee for a moment of meditative connection to a richer, more aromatic life each morning. These trends are clues to the future of all business.

For those of us in the trenches of the hard-nosed world, it's become increasingly clear that approaching your customers and clients with these tenets in mind matters. But there's more to discern yet. We have another critical quiver in our arsenal that goes beyond what movies and coffee shops need to do to survive. My 3rd-grade son has taught me from school that it's called Pie. That is, P.I.E.: "Promote, Inform, Engage." And it's dead-on.

It's our job as creative people working with clients, customers and business to do more than just entertain. We need to go further than just build a brand. We need to go further than just inform. We need to do all of these things, and do them with originality and unity. Promote ideas by actually informing and educating the audience. This, in turn, is done by engaging them creatively, tapping into the imagination pertinent to the present and the future to come. The unity of PIE is more akin to a meticulously crafted religious mandala than the soap flake ads of old. It should reach into deeper emotion. Deeper connectivity and meaning.

That's our job. It's really as old as the Lascaux cave paintings. Set the stage for your message, offer real information and make it all engaging as hell. The Inustrial Age is over. Time to dismount the old stamping machines and look at business - at our lives - creatively, perhaps even spiritually, again. It can be done, but I'd argue that it must be done.

It's good business.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Digital Elixir launches new site


Digital Elixir Studios, a premiere production company that designs engaging media solutions and branded content for entertainemnet companies, agencies and marketers, has launched an all new web site with improved search engine technologies, links to social networking sites and easier access to updated portfolio content.

We will be publishing articles and opinion pieces in this blog space, so stay tuned and get linked to us! It should be fun!

~ Mark DiGiacomo, Founder and Director